Saturday, 7 May 2011

Washed Out - Within or Without

A pioneer in that infectious, poorly named genre Chillwave that swept the blogging world in synchrony with the likes of Neon Indian and Toro Y Moi. Although retro is as popular as ever, it is remarkable how such a mushy, drowned out, synth heavy sound ever made it out alive. Its nostalgia inducing tone evokes emotions that are as familiar as they are unfamiliar?? That is, it's all about getting lost in that dreamy, slightly melancholy sound that leads us to think of the past. So dreamy that I'm surprised Life of Leisure wasn't the soundtrack to Inception and that when you listen it feels like you are in the fourth dream layer. I think due to the prolific rise, we all expected an imminent and not very dramtic fizzling out. However, think again all you haters. Toro Y Moi released their second LP with Memory Tapes set to release their follow up to Seek Magic.

And now Washed Out is keeping the ball rolling by announcing his debut full length called Within and Without. It's co-produced by the same guy that did Merriweather Post Pavillion and early reviews liken some of the songs to Caribou. Also a more singer/songwriter side has been explored, showcasing Ernest Greene's soulful voice. A single has been released for free download by Sub Pop and you can listen to it below. Album due 12/7

Washed Out - Eyes Be Closed