Saturday, 9 July 2011
Kim Ann Foxman
She is the coolest cat around, too much cool for InsideOutsider to handle whilst watching camp cross-dressing future 90's electro outfit Hercules & Love Affair. The moves, the cutesy voice, her multi-coloured disco leggings and the tattoos. Raised in Hawaii, moved to SF and then to NY where she met Andy Butler, Mr. Intl., becoming close friends, DJing and making music together. Seeing Hercules & Love Affair at Glasto was an interesting one for sure. It felt like guilty pleasure, gay disco with two gay cross dressers prancing about gay style with Andy gaylording it at the back. But the music was just so good, I couldn't help but dance gay style aswell, it felt right. With such a petit, candid appearance Kim makes a big noise whilst it seeming effortless. Effortless cool, thats Kim, half-arsed dancing with the occational roly poly. You'll have to go and see Hercules & Love Affair yourself to see what I mean.