Not the country silly, although what an interesting article that would make, no, the extremely inventive, abstract video production company from Barcelona. You can spot their style a mile off, identifiable by numerous short cuts of surreal footage, none of which seem to follow the same theme. A man shooting the head off a toy panda bear, women licking pine-cones, roller skates, lamps, flowers and doorknobs. Half of it does seem heavily influenced by the sexploitation films of the 70’s. Clearly, most of it is too strange to describe with any degree of credibility. Although it sounds like pretentious, overly arty for the sake of being overly arty rubbish, a lot of it is actually very clever. The composition of the shots is genius, as well thought out as a piece of fine art (As the camera is usually still and the length of each is clip is so short). I would love to be at their meeting brainstorming ideas for the next video, as I have no idea where they get it from or what drugs they are doing. You’d have to ask them about what the overall theme or meaning of each video is but I’m sure there is one. I think a lot of it is to do with just being aesthetically pleasing, each video is just so sexy. Also, I’m a big fan of the landscapes they use in combination with whatever camera and filter they have which give it that nostalgic tinge. The latest video was released a few weeks ago for Holy Ghost by White Lies. Check out this and CANADA’s other videos and then you can see what I mean by all of the above.
White Lies – Holy Ghost
White Lies - Holy Ghost from CANADA on Vimeo.
Battles – Ice Cream
BATTLES - Ice Cream from CANADA on Vimeo.
El Guincho – Bombay (NSFW)
El Guincho - Bombay from CANADA on Vimeo.